7 Simple Techniques For Preventing Tech Neck From Our London Chiropractor

Tech Neck advice from our London chiropractorDo you spend many hours on your smartphone, tablet, or laptop each day? You may be at risk of developing a common condition called Tech Neck. Tech neck occurs when a person spends a significant amount of time hunched over an electronic device. It can lead to neck pain, soreness, and stiffness.

Eventually, tech neck can damage a person’s posture, contributing to conditions including forward head posture and rounded shoulders. These changes occur gradually over time, so they may be hard to notice initially 

We treat many people with tech neck at our London chiropractic clinic each year, using a wide range of chiropractic techniques. Our treatments are safe, effective, and completely painless. However, as always, prevention is better than a cure. So, in this post, our experienced London chiropractor at MotionBack Chiropractic Clinic shares some of the best techniques for avoiding tech neck.


7 Simple Techniques For Preventing Tech Neck From Our London Chiropractor 

There are several lifestyle changes you can make to reduce the likelihood that you will develop this condition and be forced to seek help from one of our London chiropractors. They include:


#1 – Place Hard Limits On Screen Time

Time seems to fly when you are sitting in front of your laptop or playing with your phone. It’s easy to spend several hours engrossed in Facebook or watching Youtube videos. Unfortunately, these long sessions cause the most damage to your neck.

The solution is to set hard limits on the amount of time you spend on your device each day. Set a limit for the total amount of time on the device and the duration of each session. You can download usage timers for your phone, tablet, or laptop to help you keep track of your usage.


#2 – Get Up And Move

The likelihood of tech neck occurring is greatly reduced if you break up your usage of electronic devices with bouts of movement or exercise. When your smartphone timer goes off, indicating the end of a session, immediately get up and move about. Perform some stretches, go for a walk, do some yoga, get on your exercise bike.

Staying active will help your fitness levels and reduce the risk of long term postural issues occurring. If you need advice on the kinds of stretches or exercises to perform, ask us next time you visit out chiropractic clinic.


#4 – Change How You Position Your Device

Most people will hold their mobile phone or tablet about 45 degrees below their face. This forces them to look down while using the device, which pulls the head, neck, and shoulders slightly forward. This causes additional strain on the neck. Gradually, your head will move further forward and you will take on a hunched position.

To avoid this problem, try holding the device in line with your face. You will need two hands to do so, but it will allow you to use the device without hunching forward. If you find this position tiring, try holding the device further in front of you, so the downward viewing angle is decreased. 

If you are using a laptop, don’t place it on your lap. Instead, use a riser of some sort to increase the screen height so it is closer to eye level. Ideally, use a separate keyboard, so you can hold your arms in an ergonomic position. Having an ergonomic chair which is height adjustable also makes it easier to position yourself so you are looking forward at the laptop screen instead of down towards the ground.


#5 – Make Stretching After Using Your Device A Habit

Incorporate more stretching into your day by associating it with the use of electronic devices. Whenever you use your tablet of phone for more than a couple of minutes perform a few stretches afterwards. This video explains how to do a few of the most effective stretches for avoiding tech neck. Our chiropractic team at MotionBack can share with you stretches for avoiding tech neck.


#6 – Wear An Activity Tracker

Another fantastic technique for avoiding tech neck is to monitor your screen time with an activity tracker. There are electronic devices which track your movement throughout the day. They can deliver notifications when you have been sitting for too long and help you monitor your fitness.


#7 – Seek Out Chiropractic Care

If you are experiencing neck pain or are concerned about your posture, visit a chiropractor. They will be able to assess the health of your musculoskeletal system and provide you with a treatment plan to address any issues you are experiencing.


Our team of experienced London chiropractors are here to help you. To make a booking, contact MotionBack Chiropractic Clinic by calling 0207 112 5408.