Do you have jobs to do in the garden? Take care of our back with these tips from our London Chiropractor

Gardening is one of Britain’s favourite hobbies and whilst the summer is long gone and winter is around the corner there is still quite a bit of work left to do out there. We love gardening but as leading London Chiropractors we are conscious of the negative effects gardening can have on your back.

Stay safe in the garden

Back pain isn’t great at best and at worst can really cause a lot of pain. As busy London chiropractors we’re often advising out patients on how to avoid back pain in the garden and we want to share some of that advice with you today;

  • Design with your back on your mind – If you have the chance you should really plan your garden to minimise the chances of back pain. You can do this with raised beds, use of trolleys, long handled tools etc.
  • Clothing – When designing and maintaining your garden you need to make sure you’re wearing appropriate clothing that is supportive and not restrictive.
  • Start slow – Start your gardening TO DO’s with small and easy jobs to warm your body up. Treat it like an exercise session.
  • Take plenty of rest – You should not be doing the same activity for any longer than 20-30 minutes and you should take a rest and loosen up every now and then to avoid stiffness and back pain.

This is just some of the advice we can offer. If you want more gardening advice please get in touch at our London chiropractic clinic.