We may spend more than half of our lives in bed (some of us perhaps more!) but according to our leading London chiropractor, many of us are neglecting the importance of a quality night’s sleep. Our experienced chiropractor in London warns that purchasing a poor quality mattress could have a negative effect on our overall health and may increase the risk of developing or worsening existing back problems.
New findings from the British Chiropractic Association (BCA) have revealed that a shocking 57% of us do not seek professional advice when buying a new mattress and a worrying 40% of us spend less than thirty minutes choosing this important piece of furniture.*
Our London chiropractor fears this many people are needlessly putting their health at risk by purchasing mattresses that are not suited to their body types and unique sleeping habits. Neil Robinson, a sleep expert from the leading bed manufacturer, Sealy is also advising people to take more time when choosing a mattress; “Research indicates that people aren’t taking their sleep seriously, underestimating the impact of a mattress on their everyday lives and wellbeing…. There may be a misconception that “a mattress is a mattress” but this really isn’t the case – different products offer different benefits catered for individual sleep requirements – from zonal support to the materials used in production.”
Our team of leading chiropractors in London often deal with patients who are suffering with back pain who are unaware of the importance of buying a suitable a suitable mattress. We wouldn’t wear the wrong sized clothes or shoes, so why do we neglect the importance of buying something that we spend a third of our lives laying on? It should make absolute sense to make the effort to find a mattress that provides optimum support and comfort…
Our London chiropractor recommends that you spend adequate time choosing a new mattress or bed and that you shop in reputable stores that are able to individually advise you on the best mattress for your requirements. If you have a partner, or you share a double bed, you can even purchase split mattresses so each of your needs are catered to. When you do hop into your new, comfortable bed, the safest way to sleep is on your back or side. When sleeping on your side, your spine should be parallel to your mattress.
Don’t just dream of better back health – make it happen!
*Research conducted by the British Chiropractic Association in January 2015 on a sample of 2,127 UK adults.