The party season has well and truly arrived and for some of us that means dusting off our most impressive pair of stilettos and showing off our best (or perhaps funniest!) moves on the dance floor! But while those skyscraper heels may be tempting, ending the night in crippling pain and parading around barefoot (ladies, you’ve all done it!) is not such an appealing vision!
Our leading London chiropractor shares three top tips to stay safe (and elegant) this party season:
•Choose heels with a wider toe area so that your toes don’t end up getting squashed (very painful!). The best way to ensure that your shoes fit properly is to get your feet measured at a shoe shop.
• Purchase gel cushions that are designed to protect the ball of the foot. Bear in mind that you may need to buy shoes ½ a size bigger to provide enough room for the gel cushions.
• Practice walking in your heels at home and get your feet used to them before hitting the dance floor on your special night out. Remember, those killer heels may look fabulous on the shelf, but if they make you walk like Bambi on ice, then you may want to give them a miss!
Our experienced London chiropractor advises that you seek professional medical advice if you experience a specific pain or suffer an injury.