It was National Allotment Week. Some back safe advice from our London Chiropractor

Last week was National Allotment week and we’ve certainly enjoyed it. There’s something incredibly satisfying about working with the land. Seeing your plants, vegetable and herbs either growing from seeds or little fledglings into great structures that reward you with fresh and tasty produce.

Being leading London chiropractors we want to encourage the activity of gardening whilst offering our advice to help you keep your back safe.

What is National Allotment Week?

Taken from the National Allotment Society they describe the week as an important annual fixture to raise the awareness and capabilities of allotments.

“Our NAW theme this year is designed to emphasise the benefits that allotments bring to everyone regardless of age or gender and to also highlight the fact that we need to value our remaining plots and preserve them for future generations to enjoy.”

Advice from your London Chiropractor

As we said earlier, we’re happy to support this idea and encourage people of ages to use and preserve allotments.

We would like to add to that by offering you some simple advice to help keep your back safe;

Clothing – Before you start ensure that you’re wearing comfortable clothing that protects your skin but doesn’t restrict any movement.

Warm up – Whilst it may seem strange to warm up before a bit of gardening, it’s really important you do. It’s like any other exercise and not warming up could lead to a few injuries.

Take regular breaks – Taking regular breaks is key to not over doing it. Don’t go further than 30 minutes without resting your back

Follow standard heavy lifting procedures – Lift with the legs, carry heavy objects in the direction you’re facing, spread the load and don’t try lifting anything too heavy.