Many of us will be getting out and about this coming Bank Holiday weekend. For some the Bank Holiday can mean many hours spent travelling in the car. Being cooped up in a car in a seated position for many hours can have some negative repercussions on your back.
If you are heading off this Bank Holiday, then as an experienced London Chiropractor, I can offer you a few pieces of advice which will keep your back safe whilst travelling and particularly driving long distances. Hopefully you can enjoy your Bank Holiday and be well rested on your return.
How to keep your back safe …
Avoid stiffness. Remaining in the same position for any extended period of time can cause stiffness. Performing a few basic exercises will help avoid this. Shoulder shrugs, buttock clenches and foot circles are all great exercises to do.
Take a break. Taking a break from doing any activity and having a stretch is recommended every 40 minutes. When travelling this may not be practical, however, on a petrol or food stop take the opportunity to get out of the car and take a quick, brisk walk and do some stretches.
Avoid sitting awkwardly. As a passenger you may find yourself taking a nap and often this can result in your body being in awkward positions. Investing in a good travel pillow can help. It will help to reduce the likelihood of ending up resting your head against the window and twisting your back.
Finish your journey with a brisk walk and stretching. Once you reach your destination, take a brisk 20 minute walk and do some basic stretches to offset being stationary for a prolonged period of time.
These are some simple things you can do to keep your back safe while travelling this Bank Holiday.
Have a great and safe time this Bank Holiday.