We all love a bit of feedback, especially when it’s positive feedback. Here at our Central London Chiropractor Motionback, we really enjoy hearing about our patients’ experiences.
We strive to provide an excellent service to our patients and will always look to do the best we can. At Central London Chiropractor Motionback we believe our professionalism, hard work and expertise combines to provide not only excellent customer service but satisfactory results.
It turns out we are not the only ones who are happy with our service;
I must be one of thousands of people who have suffered from back pain or sciatica. After 3 months in great pain I went to see Andy. After a few sessions of treatment I am now pain free, so I would like to show my appreciation by writing this letter and thanking him.
From a pain free B. Hinton
I’d accepted that neck stiffness and pain was an annoying part of life for me. I have been proved wrong.
AC, Civil Servant, Department of Justice
If you are suffering from back pain and you feel you need some help, please do not hesitate to pay us a visit or get in touch with London Chiropractor Motionback, on 0207 112 5408 or email andy@motionback.co.uk