National Gardening Week kicks off on the 30th April and this year the focus turns to encouraging gardeners to share their love of gardening. Gardening is a great activity – it helps keep you active and gets you outdoors. However, it can sometimes result in strains to muscle and injuries to backs.
It’s not uncommon for our central London chiropractors to see patients who are suffering strains or pains after a weekend of gardening. Our chiropractors are keen to encourage everyone to get outside and into their gardens, however, they want to ensure that you stay safe in the process.
The British Chiropractic Association has made a video that is full of advice on ways to keep you back, muscles and joint safe whilst gardening. It’s just over 3 minutes long but what’s 3 minutes compared to ending up in pain! YOu can watch th evideo below.
If you are suffering back, muscle or joint pain then our chiropractors are here to help you. Why not call us on 0207 112 5408 to book an appointment or you can book online.