Who neglects back and neck pain the most – men or women?
Our London chiropractor at MotionBack shares that research* undertaken by the British Chiropractic Association (BCA) reveals that it’s women. Women take twice as long as men to seek help for their pain. It takes women on average 6 weeks to seek help with men taking on average just three weeks.
However, it’s not only back and neck pain that women take longer to seek help with. It seems that for joint pain, strains and headaches, men are quicker than women to seek help.
Whilst men are quicker to seek help than women, the research also revealed that 34% of Brits wait on average wait a month or more to seek help for back and neck pain. Our chiropractor at MotionBack Chiropractic Clinic in Central London isn’t that surprised by this finding as it’s not uncommon for patients that are treated at our clinic to have been experiencing pain for sometime before visiting our chiropractors.
Chiropractic can be a safe and effective treatment for back and neck pain, however, our chiropractors are keen to stress that prevention is better than cure. Simple changes in daily routines can make a significant difference to the health of your back and neck.
Taking regular exercise, sitting less, stretching more are some of the things that can all help maintain a healthy spine.
However, if you are suffering back or neck pain now, our chiropractors at MotionBack are here to help. Call us on 0207 112 5408 or you can book online.
*Consumer research carried out between 28/02/2018 and 07/03/2018 on a sample of 2,066 UK adults aged 16 + on behalf of the British Chiropractic Association.