Text Neck – X-rays from Aussie Chiropractor reveals extent of damage shares our London Chiropractor

Modern life is full of wonderful things. We have the power to message someone from across the world in an instant. We have the power to travel to places at a low cost and incredible speed. The world is truly global and we as busy London chiropractors really embrace it.

However we do have a concern with modern life, in particular modern gadgets. It seems that everywhere you go these days someone will be hunched over on their tablets or their phones.

Naturally we’re very concerned about the impact all this crouching over will have on the health of your back, shoulders and neck.

‘Text Neck’ is causing young children problems

Being leading London chiropractors we always keep a keen eye on our field of expertise and recently a leading Australian chiropractor has warned us about ‘text neck’.

Text neck is when the spine of a patient has a backward curve instead of a forward curve (the usual way). It is called text neck because it is often caused or associated by the bending of the neck like you do when you’re on a mobile device.

Dr James Carter has revealed that he has seen a large number of patients with this condition with around half of them at school-age.

As busy London chiropractors we are concerned by this condition, particularly as it is so prevalent amongst young children. It seems as well as all the other problems caused by being on your phone all day, there is another serious issue. Text neck can cause a lot of pain and even lead to depression.

How to avoid ‘text neck’

No need to worry too much though. As always we as leading London chiropractors have simple advice to help with the problem;

  • Use your phone less – First up is the most important step you can take. The condition is caused by hunching over mobile devices for hours on end. The simple solution is to reduce the amount of time you spend on your mobile device. This may be difficult but you can start off by trialling technology free time periods and grow from there.
  • Improve your posture – It is inevitable that you will be spending time hunched over your phone or even a book. This means that eventually you could end up suffering from some pains as a result. To avoid this, work on your posture. Make sure you’re sat upright, not twisted and you hold your device further out in front of you when using it.
  • Seek professional advice if problem persists –Finally, it’s not so much specific advice but important all the same. If you’re suffering from pains in the back, shoulders and in particular the neck you have a problem. If the problem doesn’t go away you should seek professional advice as soon as possible to get rid of it.