Yes, it’s here and has been running on our screens for a short while now, and yes we’re excited. Every year millions and millions of us tune in to a TV screen phenomenon, the Great British Bake Off.
Every year we all get excited by the drama, by the mistakes and by the amazing baking talent on show. For a lot of us we just get kicks out of watching but for so many more it inspires us into the kitchen to get baking.
Being leading London chiropractors we are massive fans of baking but do want to warn you about the rigours it poses.
Baking is great but hard work
We like baking just as much as anybody else. The whole process of it, from the important chemistry at the beginning to the forming and cooking in the middle to the tasty, lovely finished product at the end.
Baking is great but it can take its toll. As busy London Chiropractors we feel the need to warn you about the back pain it can cause.
You can cause yourself a bad back, neck and shoulders through lifting heavy trays, bending over constantly, working on a surface too high or too low or just using poor posture. There are many ways in which you can hurt yourself and we just want to share some simple advice with you.
London Chiropractor advises how to look after your back
As always with us, it’s not all doom and gloom. You can in fact still enjoy plenty of baking and remain pain free if you follow the tips below;
The shopping – Before any actual baking begins you have the first problem, the ingredients. All that sugar and flour can weigh quite a bit and it’s important you don’t carry shopping bags that are too heavy and full. Spread the load and shop frequently to avoid this.
The baking bit – One of the most common causes of bad backs amongst bakers and chefs is the height of the counter top. Baking can be a time consuming activity and if you’re leaning over a counter that is too high or too low then you can cause yourself problems. If too low, prepare food on a chunky chopping board to boost the height and if too low try and spread your legs further apart to lower yourself without stooping over.
You can also cause your back a lot of grief by lifting heavy pots and pans, twisting your back when carrying heavy items and bending over a lot. Just ensure you follow standard lifting procedure here and lift with your legs, carry heavy objects in the direction you’re facing and take regular rests.
If you want further advice on keeping your back safe please get in touch with us at our busy London Chiropractic clinic.